Discuss Container house of texas

>> Saturday, 25 February 2017

Container house of texas

Most like Pictures Container house of texas Container Guest House, Texas

Container house of texas

Texas container homes/ jesse c smith jr/consultant, Mods international builds custom, container-based, residential housing structures that are only limited by your imagination. there are an abundance of containers sitting at ports across the world. Shipping container guest house by jim poteet homedsgn, Texas architect jim poteet had never worked with a container himself until stacey hill approached him about transforming one into a playhouse and a guest house. located in the san antonio artists. Container guest house - poteet architects, lp, Pool pavilion; elmendorf residence; elmendorf carriage + pool house; condon residence; container guest house.
Store locations in texas - container store, What we stand for. learn more about the container store's unique company culture. container stories. real solutions from the really organized. the container store's lifestyle blog.
Tiny container home - tiny house listings, This little shipping container house called “the nomad” was designed last year for sunset magazine by seattle-based hybrid architecture. the home’s shell is a used 24 foot shipping container.
20-foot shipping container floor plan brainstorm - tiny house living, Hi! i built an 8×22 tiny house, and i’m selling so that i can also make a container home 🙂 if its just you, maybe a floorplan similar to mines might work. feel free to check it out.


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